Yellow and Black Birds in Colorado

Discover 10 Yellow and Black Birds in Colorado

You can easily find Yellow and Black species of birds in Colorado. Picture yourself in Colorado, where the sky is super blue, and the Rocky Mountains stand tall.

Now, add a pop of colour to this scene – the yellow and black birds that live there. These birds are like little sunshine creatures flying around.

In this article, we’ll learn about these cool birds, what they look like, and where you can see them.

Yellow and Black Birds in Colorado

Some Yellow and black birds in Colorado are American Goldfinch, Common Yellowthroat, Evening Grosbeak, Yellow Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Western Tanager etc.

  • Western Tanager
  • American Goldfinch
  • Yellow Warbler
  • Yellow-headed Blackbird
  • Common Yellowthroat
  • Evening Grosbeak
  • Scott’s Oriole
  • Magnolia Warbler
  • Townsend’s Warbler
  • hooded Oriole

1. Meet the Sunny Western Tanager

Western Tanager
Image: Western Tanager

Say hello to the Western Tanager! Western Tanagers are the small yellow species of birds in Colorado.

It’s a stunning bird that wears bright yellow and black. Imagine a sunny yellow body with cool black wings.

These birds aren’t always in Colorado – they visit during the warm months.

They’re friendly and like to hang out together in groups. Their chirping adds a happy sound to the forests.

2. The Yellow Warbler: A Small Ball of Sunshine

Yellow Warbler
Image: Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warblers are the most colourful and bright yellow birds in Colorado.

Meet the Yellow Warbler, a tiny bird with a big burst of colour! It’s mostly yellow with a little green on its back.

You can often hear its sweet songs near water, like ponds and rivers. These birds are good at building nests, and they love to catch insects for their babies.

3. American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch
Image: American Goldfinch

Meet the American Goldfinch, a bird that adds a splash of colour to Colorado. It’s not totally black, but its wings have cool black patterns.

These birds change colours! In the warm season, the guys turn super yellow, and in winter, they become more brown.

You can often find them near thistle plants, munching on seeds.

4. Yellow-headed Blackbird

Yellow-headed Blackbird
Image: Yellow-headed Blackbird

The Yellow-headed Blackbird’s striking appearance makes it easy to spot.

It often perches on cattails and reeds near water, using its long claws to grip tightly.

During the breeding season, male Yellow-headed Blackbirds sing loudly from their territories, showing off their bright yellow heads to attract females.

5. Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat
Image: Common Yellowthroat

The Common Yellowthroat might be small, but its voice is strong.

You’ll hear its “witchety-witchety” song in marshes and wetlands where it hides among the tall grasses.

The male has a distinctive black mask that helps it stay camouflaged as it flits around looking for insects.

6. Evening Grosbeak

Evening Grosbeaks are known for their vibrant colours and large beaks, which they use to crack open seeds.

These social birds often travel in flocks, making a cheerful chorus of calls as they move through the trees.

They sometimes visit bird feeders, providing a colourful spectacle for birdwatchers.

7. Scott’s Oriole

Scott’s Orioles are skilled nest builders, crafting intricate hanging nests made of plant fibres and grasses. Their melodious songs echo through desert canyons, and you might catch a glimpse of their bright yellow plumage as they move among the cacti and trees.

8. Magnolia Warbler

During migration, the Magnolia Warbler showcases its black streaks and bright yellow body. It’s like a tiny traveller on a long journey from its breeding grounds in North America to its wintering spots in Central America and the Caribbean.

9. Townsend’s Warbler

Townsend’s Warblers are known for their foraging acrobatics. They inspect branches, twigs, and leaves while hanging upside down, searching diligently for insects. Their white spots on dark wings help bird enthusiasts identify them in the dense foliage.

10. Hooded Oriole

Hooded Oriole
Image: Hooded Oriole

Hooded Orioles are a common sight in warmer regions. Their pouch-like nests, suspended from palm fronds or tree branches, are engineering marvels. They’re also known for their distinct calls and their preference for dining on nectar from flowers using their specialized beaks.

Where to Find These Birds

To see these awesome yellow and blackbirds, you need to go to their homes. They live in forests, woodlands, and places near water. Look up in the trees – that’s where they hang out while looking for insects and fruits. You can find them in cool spots like Rocky Mountain National Park, the Colorado Birding Trail, or even local parks.

Tips for Watching Birds

Watching birds is fun and easy! Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Use Binoculars: Binoculars make things look closer, so you can see birds better. A bird book and a notebook are also handy.
  2. Be Quiet: Birds don’t like loud noises. Walk softly and give them time to show up.
  3. Listen to Bird Songs: Each bird sings differently. Learning their songs helps you know who’s around.
  4. Give Birds Space: Birds need their room. Watch them from a distance so they’re not scared.


Colorado gets even cooler with its yellow and black bird buddies. From the flashy Western Tanager to the curious Bushtit, these birds make the place more colourful. By going out to their homes and trying birdwatching, you can learn a lot about these wonderful creatures. So, grab binoculars, step outside, and enjoy the world of yellow and black birds dancing around you!