Blue Birds in Michigan

Meet 17 Blue Birds in Michigan (2023)

Are you a fan of Michigan’s wildlife? If so, you may have noticed some of the state’s gorgeous bluebirds.

These little creatures are both stunning and fascinating, and there’s a lot to learn about them.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of blue birds in Michigan, from what species you can find to how to attract them to your backyard.

So let’s jump right in!

What kind of blue birds are in Michigan?

Several bluebirds can be found in Michigan, ranging from the common Eastern Bluebird to the Belted Kingfisher.

Some of the blue birds that can be spotted in Michigan include:

  • White-Breasted Nuthatch
  • Bluebirds
  • Tree Swallow
  • Rock Pigeon
  • Red-Breasted Nuthatch
  • Purple Martin
  • Great Blue heron
  • Northern Parula
  • Indigo Bunting
  • Eastern Bluebird
  • Common Grackle
  • Cerulean Warbler
  • Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
  • Blue Jay
  • Black-Throated Blue Warbler
  • Belted Kingfisher
  • Barn Swallow

Let’s dive into their diet, habitat, identifications, and attract tips.

1. Indigo Bunting:

Indigo Bunting
image: Indigo Bunting
TopicBasic Information
Where to spot in MichiganState parks and natural areas,
wildlife refuges, and nature preserves.
HabitatFields, brushy areas, forest edges,
swamps edges, scrub, roadsides, open fields
DietSeeds, insects, and fruits
IdentificationMale: bright blue with black wings and tail;
Female: brown with blue hints on wings and tail
Size12-13 cm (4.7-5.1 in) long;
19-23 cm (7.5-9 in) wingspan

Indigo buntings are small, brightly coloured birds that can be found in Michigan during the breeding season.

This small blue birds in Michigan is the only bluebird species found in Michigan.

During Summer, the male becomes entirely blue except for their brownish wings and feathers, while females become lighter brown in the upper parts and white in the underparts.

These bluebirds mostly eat insects and at other times they like to eat seeds. Indigo bunting is a migratory bird only found during the summer.

During breeding Time, males sing from the top of the tree perch.

They usually live or migrate in small flocks but sometimes they gather in large groups to feed sunflower seeds.

Tips to spot them: If you want to spot an indigo bunting in Michigan, look for open areas with a mix of trees and bushes. They can often be seen perched on a branch or singing from the top of a tree. Keep an eye out for their bright blue color, and listen to their sweet, melodious song.

Related: What Bird is Only Found in Michigan?

2. Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird
image: Eastern Bluebird
DietInsects, berries, and fruits
Where to SpotOpen grassy areas, near trees and nest boxes
IdentificationThe vibrant blue color on the head, back,
and wings with reddish-brown breasts and a white belly

The adult male Easter Bluebirds have blue upper parts. The bright colouration of these birds covers the back of the head to the tails.

Also, their underparts are primarily orange and white. They are not native to Michigan.

During summer, Eastern Bluebirds are commonly seen in Michigan’s scattered trees.

Eastern bluebirds mostly eat insects and berries. They nest in a tree cavity.

It comes from the northern part, but you can easily see it year-round in the southern parts of the United States. In winter, their population grows in Mexico.

During their fall migration, sometimes they are seen in groups to eat fruits and berries. Their population numbers decreased in the last century due to a lack of nesting holes.

Their soft song “tu-a-weel” is so beautiful.

Related: White Birds in Michigan

3. Blue Jay

Blue Jay
image: Blue Jay
Habitat and Where to Spot in Michigan
OmnivorousForests, woodlands, and parksVibrant blue feathers with white and black markings; distinctive crest on head

These beautiful birds are found throughout Michigan’s trees, suburbs, gardens, woodlands, groves, towns, and near humans. These small blue birds live in small colonies.

Each colony has a leader who tries to protect the colony from its enemies. Blue jays are common blue birds in Michigan.

These small blue birds eat nuts, fruits, rodents, insects, seeds, grains, berries, reptiles, carrion, and other baby birds.

During the summer, insects are their main diet plan, and they catch insects on the ground. They often saw buildings, bridges, and telephone poles for foraging.

You can see this migratory bird all over Michigan. During winter, these birds move to areas where the food supply is good.

Related: Doves in Michigan

4. Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow
Image: Barn Swallow
DietInsects, primarily fly and mosquitoes
Where to Spot in Michiganopen areas near water such as wetlands, marshes, and lakeshores.
IdentificationBlue-green back and wings, red-brown throat and forehead, and long, forked tail

The Barn Swallow has blue upper parts and looks dark when sunlight hits its wings.

These blue-coloured birds are found all over North America. It has a reddish-orange on its underside with an orange throat and forehead.

They make their nest in hollow trees. It also prefers overhangs of buildings and bridges, as well as inside barns. You can easily see these birds in most areas.

However, they face nesting problems all over Michigan. In winter, they spend in Central and Southern America.

5. Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler
image: Black-throated Blue Warbler
DietWhere to Spot in MichiganIdentification
Insects and berriesNorthern MichiganMales have blue-gray upperparts and black throat, females have olive-brown upperparts and white belly

The scientific name of these birds is Setophaga Caerulescens.

During the summer, adult males develop dark blue upper parts, a white patch on their wings, and black wings.

Females and Juvenile birds are more greyish-green on top compared to adult males.

In Summer (May to August), these birds nest in central regions of North America. It is a migratory bird. It spends the full winter time in the Caribbean.

Black-throated Blue Warbler’s main food is insects, which they forage in the tree canopy. They grow up to 4-5 inches in length with a wingspan of 7-8 inches.

6. White-Breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted nuthatch
Image: White-breasted nuthatch
DietInsects, nuts, and seeds
HabitatDeciduous and mixed forests, parks
Where to Spot in MichiganThroughout Michigan

White-Breasted Nuthatches are small blue birds in Michigan. They are named after their white belly and their habit of climbing down trees headfirst.

Where to find them in Michigan: You can find White-Breasted Nuthatches in forests and urban areas with mature trees all over Michigan.

Diet in Michigan: White-Breasted Nuthatches eat insects, spiders, and other small creatures in Michigan. They also eat seeds and nuts when insects are scarce in the winter.

Habitat: White-Breasted Nuthatches like forests with mature trees and dead wood. They also visit bird feeders in backyards.

Tips to spot them:

To find a White-Breasted Nuthatch, look for a small bird with a white belly and a blue-grey back. They crawl down trees headfirst and move quickly and in a jerky manner. They make a loud, recognizable nasal sound. You can find them in mature trees, especially where there’s dead wood to search for food.

7. Bluebirds:

image: Bluebirds
DietInsects, fruits, and berries
HabitatOpen grasslands and fields
Where to spot in MichiganThroughout the state
IdentificationVibrant blue head, back, and wings, reddish-brown breast, and white belly

Bluebirds are small, brightly coloured birds that are native to North America. There are three types of bluebirds found in North America.

They can be found in open grasslands, meadows, and fields with scattered trees or shrubs, as well as orchards, parks, and gardens.

Bluebirds mainly eat insects and small creatures like beetles, caterpillars, and spiders.

In winter, they also eat fruits and berries. They like areas with plenty of nesting sites, such as birdhouses.

To spot a bluebird, look for a small bird with bright blue feathers on its back, a rusty-red breast, and a white belly. They have a short, straight bill and are often seen perched on branches or wires.

8. Tree Swallows

Tree Swallow
image: Tree Swallow
DietInsects, fruits, and berries
HabitatOpen fields and woodlands
Where to Spot in MichiganState parks and wildlife areas
IdentificationVibrant blue head, back, and wings, reddish-brown breast, white belly

Tree Swallows are small, shiny birds that live in Michigan during the breeding season.

They prefer open areas near water, like lakes and ponds, where they catch insects.

They eat mostly mosquitoes, flies, and beetles.

Tree Swallows nest in holes in trees or birdhouses. They need open space for flying, perching, and nesting, and they are often found in fields, meadows, and wetlands.

During winter, they fly to warmer places in the southern United States and Central America.

To spot a Tree Swallow, look for a small bird with shiny blue-green feathers and a white or cream-colored belly. Watch for them flying low over water while catching insects. They may also be seen sitting on wires or branches near their nests.

9. Rock Pigeon:

Rock pigeon
image: Rock pigeon
DietWhere to Spot in MichiganIdentification
Seeds, grains, and some insectsThroughout MichiganBlue-gray feathers on head and neck, with iridescent green and purple highlights on neck and wings

Rock Pigeons, also called city pigeons, are very common in cities around the world, also in Michigan.

They have a grey body, shiny feathers on their neck, and two black bands on their wings.

They eat a variety of food, including seeds, fruits, and scraps of human food.

They like to make nests in small spaces or on ledges of buildings and bridges.

To find Rock Pigeons, look for them in urban areas, like parks, squares, or near buildings. They can be spotted walking or running on the ground, or sitting on ledges or rooftops.

10. Red-Breasted Nuthatch:

Red-Breasted Nuthatch
Image: Red-Breasted Nuthatch
DietEats insects, seeds, nuts
Where to spot in MichiganFound in coniferous forests
IdentificationSmall bird with a blue-gray back, rusty-red breast, and white face with a black eye stripe

Red-Breasted Nuthatches are small blue birds in Michigan with a blue-grey back and rusty-red breasts.

They live in North America and like forests with evergreen trees. They eat insects, seeds, and nuts, and make their nests in tree holes.

To find Red-Breasted Nuthatches, go to evergreen forests and look for them climbing up and down tree trunks and branches. Listen for their high-pitched calls, too.

11. Purple Martin:

Purple Martin
image: Purple Martin
DietInsects, including beetles, flies, and mosquitoes
HabitatNest boxes and gourds, open areas near water
Where to spot in MichiganAlong the Great Lakes and larger inland lakes
IdentificationDark blue-black plumage with a slightly forked tail and a stout bill
SizeLength of about 7 inches, wingspan of about 16 inches

Purple Martins are the most significant type of swallow in North America. They have shiny blue-black feathers and are great at flying.

They eat insects and live in birdhouses that people make for them. They fly to South America for the winter.

To find Purple Martins, check their birdhouses in open spaces, like fields or by water. Watch for their cool flying tricks as they catch insects.

12. Great Blue Heron:

Great Blue Heron
image: Great Blue Heron
DietFish, frogs, snakes, small mammals, insects
HabitatBlue-gray plumage, long neck, long yellow bill, black stripe above the eye, grayish-black legs
Where to spot in MichiganState parks, nature reserves, wildlife refuges, coastal areas
IdentificationBlue-gray plumage, long neck, long yellow bill, black stripe above the eye, greyish-black legs

Great Blue Herons are tall wading blue birds in Michigan with blue-grey bodies and long, S-shaped necks.

They live near water bodies such as marshes, rivers, and lakes and mostly eat fish, amphibians, and invertebrates.

They build large stick nests in trees near water.

To spot Great Blue Herons, look near bodies of water such as ponds or lakes.

They often stand still in shallow water, waiting to catch fish or prey.

Listen to their loud, harsh calls, which can help you find them. They may also fly overhead with slow, deep wingbeats.

13. Northern Parula:

Northern Parula
image: Northern Parula
Northern Parula
DietFeeds on insects and spiders
HabitatDeciduous and mixed forests
Where to spot in MichiganCommon during spring and fall migration in wooded areas near water
IdentificationBlue-gray back, yellow-green throat and breast with a reddish-brown band across the chest

Northern Parulas are small, colourful birds with a blue-grey back, yellow chest, and greenish-blue wings.

They live in mixed and deciduous forests, usually close to water. Watch for them high up in the trees, moving quickly through the leaves.

To find Northern Parulas, listen for their buzzy trill or descending song.

They usually stay high up in the tree canopy, so look up for their bright colours moving among the leaves.

They may also catch insects in mid-air, so keep an eye out for sudden movements.

14. Common Grackle:

common grackle
image: common grackle
Common GrackleDescription
DietOmnivorous, eats insects, fruits, seeds, and small animals
HabitatUrban and suburban areas, farmlands, forests, wetlands
Where to spot in MichiganThroughout the state, commonly seen in parks and residential areas
IdentificationGlossy black plumage, yellow eyes, long keel-shaped tail, long bills

Common Grackles are blackbirds with shiny blue-black feathers and a long, V-shaped tail.

They can live in many places, including cities, farms, and marshes. Watch for them in big groups, often sitting on power lines or trees.

To find Common Grackles, look for their unique V-shaped tail and shiny black feathers.

They usually travel in large groups and sit on power lines or trees. Listen to their loud calls and notice how they hop around while moving.

15. Cerulean Warbler:

Cerulean Warbler
image: Cerulean Warbler
DietInsects, particularly caterpillars
Habitat and Where to Spot in MichiganDeciduous forests, along rivers and streams; a rare and local breeding bird in the southern and central Lower Peninsula
IdentificationBlue-gray upperparts, white underparts, bold white eye-ring, blue wings with white wing bars, short tail

Cerulean Warblers are small birds with blue feathers and a white belly, with black streaks on their back.

They live in forests with deciduous trees, often close to water. Look for them high up in the trees, where they move around quickly.

To find Cerulean Warblers, listen to their buzzy song. They often stay high in the tree canopy, so watch for their blue and black streaks on their back.

16. Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher:

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
Image: Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher (pixabay)
DietInsects, spiders, and small arthropods
Where to spotDeciduous forests, woodlands, parks, and gardens
IdentificationBlue-gray upperparts, white underparts, long tail, and white eyering
SizeLength: 4 inches (10 cm)

Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers are small blue birds in Michigan with blue-grey feathers, a long tail, and a white ring around their eyes.

They live in many places like forests, woodlands, and scrubby areas. Watch for them moving quickly around trees and bushes, catching bugs in the air.

To find Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers, listen for their high-pitched calls.

They are often in trees and bushes, catching bugs on the fly. Look for their white eye-ring and long tail to identify them.

17. Belted Kingfisher:

Belted Kingfisher
image: Belted Kingfisher
DietFish, crustaceans, amphibians, reptiles, insects, small mammals
HabitatStreams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water
Where to spot in MichiganState parks with water bodies, such as Ludington State Park and Grand Haven State Park
IdentificationLarge head and long, heavy bill, blue-grey upperparts with a white collar and underparts, and a distinctive blue-grey crest on the head
SizeLength: 11-13 inches; Wingspan: 19-23 inches; Weight: 4-6 oz.

Belted Kingfishers are medium-sized birds with a shaggy crest, blue-grey back, and rust-coloured underparts.

They are found near bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and streams.

Look for them perched on a branch or wire near the water’s edge, often diving headfirst into the water to catch fish.

To find Belted Kingfishers, look for their shaggy head feathers, blue-grey body, and rust-coloured belly. You can spot them by watching their fast, straight flight, followed by a dive into the water to catch fish.

How do you attract bluebirds in Michigan?

Attracting bluebirds in Michigan can be a fun and rewarding activity for bird enthusiasts. Here are some simple steps to attract bluebirds in Michigan:

  • Put up a bluebird house or nest box in an open area with low or no shrubs.
  • Make sure the entrance hole is the right size for bluebirds and face the box away from prevailing winds and direct sun.
  • Provide a source of water, like a birdbath or shallow dish.
  • Offer mealworms, either live or dried, in a feeder or dish.
  • Plant native trees and shrubs that produce small fruits and berries for bluebirds to eat.

People Also Ask:

You can find all the questions answered regarding “Blue Birds in Michigan” that people ask on Google. Here are the questions and answers:

What kind of blue birds are in Michigan?

The Eastern Bluebird is the most common bluebird species found in Michigan. These small, bright blue birds are a common sight in open fields and meadows and are known for their melodious songs.

The Mountain Bluebird and Western Bluebird can also occasionally be seen in Michigan, but they are less common than the Eastern Bluebird.

Does Michigan have bluebirds?

Yes, Michigan has several species of bluebirds, including the Eastern Bluebird, Mountain Bluebird (rare), and the Indigo Bunting, which is not a true bluebird but has a blue appearance.

What is the bluish-gray bird in Michigan?

The Eastern Bluebird is a bluish-grey bird commonly found in Michigan. They have a vibrant blue colour on their head, back, and wings with reddish-brown breasts and a white belly.

However, there are other birds in Michigan with bluish-grey colourings, such as the Blue Jay and the Gray Catbird, but they have distinctive features that set them apart from the Eastern Bluebird.

What is the small blue bird in northern Michigan?

The small blue bird commonly found in northern Michigan is likely the Blue-headed Vireo. This bird has a bluish-grey head and upper parts, with a white belly and under the tail.

Another possibility is the Indigo Bunting, a small bird with bright blue plumage, although it is more commonly found in the southern part of Michigan.

What kind of bird is blue with a red chest in Michigan?

The bird that is blue with a red chest in Michigan is likely the Eastern Bluebird. They have a vibrant blue colour on their head, back, and wings with a reddish-brown breasts and a white belly.


In conclusion, Michigan is home to a variety of beautiful bluebirds, including the Eastern Bluebird, Indigo Bunting, and Blue Jay. To attract these birds to your yard, provide a nesting box, plant native vegetation, and offer mealworms or other insects. By creating a welcoming habitat, you can enjoy the sights and sounds of these lovely birds in your backyard.